Pettits & Peeks – Suffolk Families

Refresh and redesign

This website is currently being redesigned, replacing an old site that is no longer compliant with modern standards.  If you have visited here before, are a family member or if you think you might be, please let me know you have been here.  You could also join my newsletter group if you want, as that is the place where I will be publishing updates on the progress of this site.

I would like this site to be a place for research for anyone with an interest in either the Pettit or Peek surnames, with their bases in Suffolk, Bethnal Green in London or overseas.   I know I have Peek (Peak) relatives in Australia and Pettit family in South Africa and Canada whom I have not been able to contact.

Information on this site will be used for research only and no other purpose.  GDPR regulations restrict me in as far that I cannot display data on any living relatives, but please don’t let that stop you from contacting me so I can update my family tree.

Please come back to view the many updates I have planned which tell the sories of some of the members of my Pettit and Peek families.

Information sharing

I am always very happy to share any information I have about my family members.  I believe that the internet and the commercial availability of records previously held and visible only in record offices created  a massive surge in interest in genealogy.  Global connectivity reinforced that interest, allowing long separated family branches to make contacy once again even in different continents and that has to be a good thing.  It makes me happy if this site helps others with their research through information sharing.

I have only one restriction on the sharing of data, and that concerns official records that are copyrighted, such as BMD cerificates.  Whilst I am happy to share information from them I will not scan and copy the document for others to use.  I have been asked before but I will not break that copyright.   I will be happy to supply any index information that means you can purchase your own copy though.

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